2016 St Valentine Massacre Tournament

Saint Valentine Massacre Tournament
The CCGA kicked off the 2016 season with their annual Saint Valentine Massacre Tournament. There were 28 players that participated this year and it appeared that all have a wonderful time as it was a beautiful day for golf. Lunch was provided to the entire group for a mere $6.00 that included Hamburger with all the trimmings, Potato Salad and Chocolate cake with cherries with sauce on top. Big thanks go out to Kenneth Gunter for running the tournament in the absence of Brando Ketchum. He did an outstanding job, and to Stephen Divine for his help in the lunch preparations.
Results and Prizes
Cash Winners
1st Low Net Eric Measles (33) $60.00
2nd Low Net Mike Canavan (33) $50.00
1st Low Gross Pat Bott (42) $45.00
3rd Low Net Don Morris (34) $45.00
4th Low Net Danny Cervaltes (35) $30.00
5th Low Net Tom Baird (35) $25.00
6th Low Net Larry Andrews (36) $20.00
7th Low Net Brad Bunnell (36) $12.00
Chocolate Winners 
Mike Canavan
Don Morris
Eric Lozoya
Benny Lentz
Don Fox
Rick Faller Award
(Lowest points achieved)
Lee Lamp
Closest to the Pin Winners
#5 Mike Leonelly 13’11” $25.00
#7 Mark Rose 21’4” $25.00
Random Pictures
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CASH WINNERS: Tom Baird, Don Morris , Mike Canavan , Danny Cervaltes, Pat Bott, Mike Leonelly, Eric Measles, Brad Bunnell. Larry Andrews was absent.
Valentine Candy Winners: left to right Don Morris, Mike Canavan, Lee Lamp, Benny Lentz, Eric Lozoya
Ron Howell
Rick Faller lying 1 soon to be 3 on the 3rd hole.
Patrick Bott
Brad Bunnell
Eric Measles
Mike Canavan
Larry Andrews
Scott Vaughn
Mike Leonelly
Brad Bunnell and Benny Lentz
Keith Cunnington and Pat Bott look on as
Benny performs a magic trick
Keith Cunnington and Mike Leonelly
Tom Galles
Don Morris and Don Fox
The Boys getting ready for battle
Marvin Wittner

Kenneth Gunter. Thanks for a job well done!
Next up Devil Ball

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