CCGA 2015 2Man 1 Best Ball

2015 CCGA 2 man 1 best Ball Tournament Results

Another unseasonal beautiful day greeted the 9 two man teams in the annual NCGA qualifier "4 ball 2 man 1 best ball" Tournament at Churn Creek.  The spirits were high and all the players appeared to have a great time. This year marked the beginning of the duel contest concept for all club NCGA tournaments. 

The CCGA board passed the new official formats in that we shall determine the NCGA qualifiers to advance representing our association in future competitions using NCGA rules 90% hdcp 18.4 max. The winners of the additional tournament for "Generous" cash prizes used 100% hdcp as a guideline for the remaining teams minus the wining team advancing to NCGA Tournament. This gives the high handicap players who do not get all their handicap strokes attributed to the NCGA rules to play for something.

This new format required some extra work and diligence in the computing the final standings. A huge thanks to Lee Lamp for his hard work and time he put in. We also want to thank Gene Lockwood for his help in collecting the entry fees and taking some pictures, and Kenneth Gunter in checking all the score cards. Last but least big thanks to Tom Galles for his generous effort in creating a spreadsheet to facilitate easier scoring of the event and all his help.

Special request to all our members. We ended up with an odd number of teams meaning after all the foursomes are selected, we had one two man team left. We made the decision to add them to the last group that made it a 6 party group. This was disastrous as that group fell behind by 5 holes at the end of 18 holes. We need some members that do not wish to compete in the actual tournament yet would like to play golf as a volunteer to be on hand to go out with the odd leftover 2 man group to keep score. Teams cannot keep their own score in NCGA tournaments for obvious reasons. You will not be required to pay any entry fee and I (the Club) will buy you a large bucket of balls for the range for doing this. Heck I may even throw in a adult beverage...

(Click on all photos on this site to enlarge. Use reverse arrow in the upper left corner of your screen to return page to normal)

 Congratulations to Kenneth and Lee

Final Results and Standings for both contests

Click the above stat sheet twice to enlarge

Tom Baird and Rick Faller

Brad Bunnell and Eric Measles

Lyle Miller and Larry Andrews

Patrick Bott and Tom Galles

Mark Rose and Steve Myers

Eric Sargent and Eric Lozoya

Richie Crowell and Eric Bullert

The Renowned Benny Lentz and Ralph White

More Random Pictures
( Click any Picture to enlarge)


Bonus Pictures from our Contributing photographer Gene Lockwood

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